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Heads Up - Zoning By-law Amendment at 2983 Navan Road

This is a ‘Heads Up’ for an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment at 2983 Navan Road.

Application Description:

A rezoning is being sought in order to develop the lands municipally known as 2983 Navan Road as a retail shopping centre including multiple retail and restaurant pads, as well as a gas bar and associated car wash. The lands, which are currently zoned “Development Reserve” (DR), would be rezoned to “General Mixed Use” (GM) to facilitate the development of these lands with retail uses. A special exception is also proposed to permit a gas bar and car wash as additional permitted uses, and to reduce the number of queuing spaced required for a car wash from ten (10) to six (6) spaces. Additionally, an amendment would be made to the Community Design Plan for the Phase 1 Area of the East Urban Community to change the designation of the subject lands from “Residential” to “Commercial”.



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