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East Urban Community Mixed Use Centre (behind Walmart and the water tower) - need your feedback!

The last open house for this community design plan was held in May 2018. Our community has grown significantly since then, and since finding out recently that it will be going to Planning Committee by December, we would like to gather more feedback from the community about this plan and share with the lead planner on the file. You can use this feedback form to guide your comments. Have a look a the feedback below that has been gathered since 2014 at the different workshops and public consultations. If there's anything that hasn't been address, please contact us with your feedback.

Note that one thing we have been pushing for in this design plan since 2014 is a community centre.

The following information has been copied from the City of Ottawa website.

Summary of Plan

It is envisioned that the East Urban Community Mixed Use Centre will be a hub of activity for the residents of Orléans and surrounding communities. Its mix of housing, offices, shops and commercial services, combined with leisure and recreational opportunities will make it an attractive place to live, work, and play. Rapid transit will have successfully transitioned from bus priority measures on roadways shared with other traffic, to buses travelling on an exclusive Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) right-of-way. The BRT will provide excellent connections for commuters travelling to jobs in other communities or arriving to work in the Mixed Use Centre, which will offer a range of employment opportunities. A grid pattern road network with regularly spaced intersections will allow for efficient transit, cycling, and vehicular travel and pedestrian movements. The Hydro corridor will provide a strong linear corridor for pedestrians and cyclists and will form part of a Greenspace network which links features such as Innes Park Woods, watercourses, parks, and open spaces. With its compact form, mix of uses, and strong orientation towards walking, cycling and transit, the Mixed Use Centre will be a model of sustainable design and development.


  • Establish a new, vibrant Mixed Use Centre in Orléans which accommodates a range of uses, such as office, medium- and high-density residential, retail, entertainment, and institutional uses, and acts as a central node of activity for the surrounding community and the City as a whole.

  • Achieve compact growth which makes efficient use of land and existing infrastructure and is phased in step with required infrastructure improvements.

  • In anticipation of the future rapid transit corridor, establish a Transit-Oriented Development pattern which incorporates “complete streets”, which provide safe, convenient and comfortable conditions for walking, cycling and public transit for all ages and abilities.

  • Ensure that connections across the Hydro Corridor, the Transitway, and Brian Coburn Boulevard are provided for the safe and efficient passage of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists from one side of the Community Design Plan (CDP) area to the other.

  • Foster growth that complements the existing community of Orléans and facilitates connectivity between the Mixed Use Centre and surrounding neighbourhoods through such measures as multi-use pathways, safe road crossings, and an efficient road network.

  • Protect, improve and restore the Natural Heritage System within and adjacent to the CDP area and create a Greenspace Network which connects natural features, such as woodlands and stormwater ponds, and community features, such as public parks, schools, and shopping areas.

  • Encourage the establishment of a distinct identity for the currently undeveloped CDP area through the creation of area-specific design guidelines which recognize and celebrate existing features and promote the creation of new public parks and civic spaces that contribute to a sense of place and foster a sense of community.

  • Support the economic development potential of Orléans by creating development opportunities within this CDP area for a range of employment uses that are well-served by transit.

Feedback from Previous Consultations

  • Concerned with the proposal to dead-end both Renaud and Page Roads at Navan Road. Concerned these changes would eliminate direct access from Bradley Estates to the Mixed Use Centre and existing retail along Innes Road. Would like the Brian Coburn extension to continue west of Navan Road and connect to Bradley Estates.

  • Concerned with the traffic counts for Navan and Renaud Roads. Would like safe and convenient pedestrian/bicycle access from the East Urban Community- Phase 1 to the commercial area.

  • Concerned with the existing condition of Mer Bleue and Renaud Roads and the traffic associated with construction. Would like the Brian Coburn extension to Page/Navan Roads to be completed sooner rather than later in order to alleviate traffic.

  • Would like a new park and ride in the area in order to alleviate the need to take express bus routes.

  • Would like some green space to be left; it is the reason a lot of people chose to live in the area.

  • Would like a farmer's market or more local store-type area (as opposed to big box stores), similar to Manotick/Merrickville or what they are developing at Lansdowne. This would add personality and create a "town within a town".


What do you see?

  • Pretty open space that's not being used.

  • Good spot for recreational paths, walkways.

  • Bicycle paths, ponds, paths

Would you change anything? How?

  • Park & Ride x2


What do you see?

  • The back of big-box retail stores

  • Useful and convenient box stores with ugly backs!

  • Useful and necessary services close by, terrible design, very difficult to walk from place to place.

Would you change anything? How?

  • A short cut for pedestrians from the RTS to store fronts.

  • Add a "small town" area with a market, smaller/local stores, walking-only streets. "A town within a town" Community should be anchored by signature community buildings, not just retail (ex. educational facilities, arena)

  • More walkable, family and community friendly; Make the area into a destination in itself, not only a stop on route to somewhere else (i.e. square with fountain, park)


What do you see?

  • Trail for snowmobiles

Would you change anything? How?

  • Get rid of it

  • It brings money!


What do you see?

  • Snow dump

  • Circle by trees

Would you change anything? How?

  • Remove it

  • Plant trees around


What do you see?

  • Vacant land

  • Save some farmland, if not, at least a park

Would you change anything? How?

  • Montfort is going there

  • Add a multi-use pathway- connect to old railway track along the northern edge of Mer Bleue Bog


What do you see?

  • Street that goes nowhere!

Would you change anything? How?

  • Extend Belcourt ASAP and ensure there are proper sidewalks and cross walks, bike lanes so people can get to shopping without cars

  • Roads:upgrade Mer Bleue; Renaud Road extend Brian Coburn now build Belcourt from water tower to Renaud Rd. primary school, secondary French school on Renaud? (timing for upgrades?)

  • Bike lanes

  • Concerned with the cut through traffic along Renaud Road.

  • Would like Brian Coburn to be extended west of Navan Road to connect with Renaud Road rather than connecting north to Blackburn Hamlet Bypass.

  • Too much traffic currently

  • Want access to Innes Road (which will be difficult if Page Road is dead-ended)

  • Concerned Brian Coburn will act as a funnel, directing traffic problems to Chapel Hill South

  • Do not expand roads, focus on transit instead

  • Recognize that some people need cars, for such means as taking children to day care

  • Do not permit development until infrastructure is in place

  • Orléans should grow like Kanata did

  • Orléans is bigger than just this study area

  • No more retail is needed

  • A grid road system makes sense

  • Make Vanguard a curvy (non-direct) road so that it is less convenient for cut through traffic (direct traffic to Brian Coburn and Innes). Questioned whether Vanguard needs to extend west of Mer Bleue Road.

  • Proposed Land Uses:

  • Employment uses: mental health network, tourism, agri business (sales, manufacturing, distribution), third hotel for Orléans, seniors complex, environmental research centre

  • Community centre with ice rinks and a library

  • Entertainment- places to socialize which complement the Shenkman Arts Centre. Nightclub.

  • Skateboard park (there is already one in Blackburn and one by Highway 417/Jeanne D'Arc)

  • Bike path along hydro corridor or the BRT corridor

  • One central trail through Innes Park Woods. The City will have to do an Environmental Management Plan since the lands are owned by the City

  • Parks are good

  • There are already enough soccer fields in Orléans

  • Tennis centre

  • Off-leash dog park (like the Conroy example)

  • Day care centres


There were no specific comments on the vision

  • It was suggested that a goal be added that "builds on the Montfort Health Hub"

  • It was suggested that a goal be added which emphasizes linkages to existing communities

  • It was suggested that a goal be added on providing a community facility such as a library or community centre as a focal point.

  • It was suggested that two connections be made to the Gib Paterson lands to the west, outside of the study area. There is no available concept plan for the Gib Paterson lands.

  • With the auto dominance and Arterial Mainstreet on Innes, there should be greater consideration in the CDP area for walking and transit.

  • There is a need to establish all of the potential connection points for roads and pathways early on.

  • The extension of Belcourt Boulevard should be a curve so that it does not directly connect through the site. Instead there could be a major connection from Vanguard. This would direct cars to the major connection from Vanguard and keep Belcourt as a main street geared to pedestrians.

  • It was suggested that the study area boundary be changed in the northeast corner as there is a property on the east side of Mer Bleue Road that is partially within the study area and partially outside of the study area.

  • All of the lands in the study area should be considered for the Mixed Use Centre designation.

Proposed Land Uses:

  • Because of the amount of land occupied by the snow disposal facility, higher densities should be focused around the western transit station.

  • A mixed of uses should be proposed at both transit stations.

  • Primarily employment uses should be located between the eastern edge of the snow disposal facility and Mer Bleue Road and in the areas outside of the 600 metre transit ring on the west side of the study area.

  • Retail/commercial is proposed at the north end, along the west side of Mer Bleue Road, and along the curvy Belcourt Boulevard main street.

  • Residential uses and a mix of uses are proposed on the northeast side of the eastern transit station, outside of the 200 metre buffer from the snow disposal facility.

  • Some pedestrian/cycle connections are proposed through the hydro corridor and north-south through the study area, connecting to the retail/commercial along Innes Road.

  • An additional environmental/park area is proposed in the southwest corner, near the permanent stormwater pond.



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