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Coming soon: new development

Updated: Dec 9, 2020

- 23 October Update

- 26 October Update

- 6 November Update

- 4 December Update

The development application has not been submitted. There is nothing available online at this time. As soon as this information is available, we will share. Discussions for residents of our catchment area are on Facebook Group.

23 October Update

Caivan's Director of Land Development contacted BECA about a proposal at 6101 Renaud, 2980, 3054 & 3080 Navan Road.

All the activity on this site is related to development. In summary:

  • Caivan expects to close on an agreement of purchase before May 2021.

  • 4 parcels: 6101 Renaud Road (includes a home fronting on Renaud Road, but is not part of the deal - would remain as a house), 2980 Navan Rd, and two small lots 3054/3080 Navan.

  • The development application has NOT yet been submitted, there is nothing publicly available at this time.

Proposed development

They are proposing approximately 300-320 units:

  • Approximately 170-180 townhomes (with a small mix of singles) (R3yy zoning)

  • A condo development at the corner of Page/Navan, 4-6 stories with approx 100-150 units (R4 zoning; green area on map)

  • No park planned (it's not in Community Design Plan and city doesn't want to deviate from Plan)

  • Planned pathway connection from Percifor (tying into existing)

Access to development would be the section of land on Renaud around where Ziegler is dead-ended, and at 3054 Navan Road.

  • 6-meter setback from the Percifor homes; because of grading, the new homes would be higher, have basement walk-outs, and a retaining wall would be required.

  • Caivan's lots are wider but shallower than the rest of the industry.

  • Application NOT formally submitted, nothing is official yet, but they have been holding pre-consultations with the City since June. They are waiting for feedback from the Councillor and then will formally submit an application.

Current activities on parcels of land

From now until end of year:

  • Soil remediation (removing approx 90,000 m3 of inadequate fill),

  • Removing old vehicles, etc.

  • Removing construction equipment.

  • Existing garage to be demolished later this year.

  • Two homes on Navan Rd to be demolished eventually (next year).

  • Bound by Site Alteration Bylaw

  • Existing ditch on property for drainage, catch basin at the end of Ziegler to be maintained (on property in question)

  • Access/egress for construction will be on Navan Road where current commercial site access, and part of 3080 Navan Rd

  • They intend to drop off flyers at homes on Percifor/Navan/Renaud backing onto site, with contact information if there's an issue with construction.

  • To remove all excess soil and material, some trees must be removed. They've been issued a permit by the city on the basis that remediation of the site must occur. Tree cutting may happen in the next week

26 October Update

Caivan informed us that the tree cutting permit for the site at 6101 Renaud, 2980, 3054 & 3080 Navan Road was obtained this morning. They have also delivered (or will be imminently) the flyer below to the homes abutting the site. If you experience any issues or have concerns with the works occurring on the site, please contact Julio DaSilva (

Update 6 November

The planning applications for subdivision and zoning are expected to be submitted within the next few weeks. Subsequent to municipal approval, they hope to be servicing the site in mid to late 2021 with home construction starting in late 2021. They anticipate general build out of the community in 2024.

Update 4 December

  • Application has been submitted today, will share once plans are "deemed complete" and posted on the Dev Apps website.

  • There will be a cul-de-sac near to the roundabout (Navan/Brian Coburn), where you see a lot of grade separation and work being done. There will not be a vehicular access to the development close to roundabout.

  • At the cul-de-sac, there will be a PATHWAY connection to Navan Road/Brian Coburn Blvd. The pathway connection from Percifor north to the new street will be maintained.

  • There will be a Navan Road access point just west of 3054 Navan Road.

  • They are proposing NO vehicular traffic connection from the new road to Ziegler. They propose a pathway connection only, and the only western access point would be on Renaud Road. They suspect city might push back since Bradley Ridge only has one access point. We suggest they put at the top of their list an "emergency access" similar to what is done at Nature Trail crescent (connecting to their Caivan Orléans Village community, see image below) bollards or a gate that can be moved for emergency vehicle access, and maintain a pedestrian connection.

Emergency access between Nature Trails cres and Caivan's Orléans Village

  • There are approximately 23 detached/singles with 31' lots, and approx 56 blocks (130-135? towns) of townhomes with 25' lots. There will be 6 -7 townhomes on the Renaud Road access on one side only.

  • Corner of Page/Navan proposed condos, 6 stories.

  • Only townhomes back on to the existing Percifor homes.

  • There is a grade differential between the townhomes NORTH of the existing Percifor pathway connection and the existing Percifor homes, which will result in walkout basements from the towns. They will be required to build a retaining wall and a "fall protection fence". Although a chainlink fence is all that is required, they will consider building a privacy fence instead.

  • They will build traffic calming into the plan, which may include narrowed intersections and speed humps, as we've expressed that the Navan Road access to the Renaud Road access has strong potential for cut-through traffic (which we will have to deal with once the new homeowners are in).

  • They hope to work closely with our community and association to make sure that our concerns are addressed.



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