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Community Updates - July 2020

Updated: Oct 30, 2020

New Parks

These are general timelines provided by the parks planner and may be subject to change:

  • Spring Valley Trails Community Park: sod is required for the pathways and structures to open, which might happen in August. The field and other large areas won't be seeded in time for this year. The design for the park features a playground for children aged 2 to 12, an intermediate sized soccer field and fitness stations along a perimeter pathway. The park will be shaded and sheltered by generous plantings of trees and wildflower meadow areas will enhance the existing natural environment. Mown grass areas will provide space for casual active play while quiet seating areas are scattered throughout. A pathway will connect to Knotridge Street through the Open Space forested area. Spaces have been reserved for tennis courts, a splash pad and small parking lot should additional funds become available in the future.

  • Trailsedge East Park: plan to build and seed this fall with a potential opening next year if all goes to plan. The park is centrally located in the community and well connected to the area greenspace network by a multi-use pathway along the frontage of the park. A bus stop near the park entrance will ensure additional accessibility. The design proposes junior and senior playground equipment, seating areas, a shade shelter, splash pad, adult fitness equipment, skateboard practice features, basketball practice keys, tennis / pickleball practice courts and a circular perimeter pathway set among natural plantings.


New developments and zoning applications

6173 Renaud Road

The site plan application for 6173 Renaud Road has been posted on the Development Application website.

Comment period ends on August 20. Send your comments to the File Lead

Please be advised that on July 9, 2020, the City of Ottawa received a Zoning By-law Amendment & Site Plan Control applications for 6173 Renaud Road. The site is located within East Urban Community, north on Renaud Road and south of Trailsedge Way. This is a through lot, meaning a lot with 2 road frontages, that is on Renaud Road and Trailsedge Way. The subject site is west of Penency Terrace. The applicant is proposing two back to back stacked town buildings with 16 residential units in each building.

The development would consist of two blocks of stacked townhomes on the subject site. Each of the townhome blocks would contain 16 units. Therefore, the total units on site would be 32. The proposal would also include 40 parking spaces, bicycle racks and pathways connecting the existing community.

6102 Renaud Road

Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment and Site Plan Applications for the proposed development at the corner of Saddleridge Dr and Renaud Rd:



Due to provincial regulations which impacted most events, BECA will not be holding our Family BBQ in August. We are truly disappointed but we know you all understand. We look forward to celebrating our community with you all next year!


*Urbanization of Renaud Road - Compass St to Mer Bleue Road

A message from Councillor Dudas:

My office has received an update from the City's planning staff regarding the Renaud Road urbanization work planned between Mer Bleue and Fern Casey.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the developer responsible for doing the work has been unable to hire contractors, resulting in the construction being delayed. I am disappointed that the project will not be going ahead this summer, as we all know how important this work is to the community. I will continue to follow up on this project, and share updates with you as soon as I receive them.

*Urbanization includes sidewalks, curbs, lighting and a lift of asphalt..


Thefts from Vehicles - Lock your vehicle doors!

  • Don't leave personal identification, vehicle registration or insurance certificates, or credit cards in your vehicle.

  • Remove valuables and shopping bags from view. This includes loose change and electronic devices such as Ipods, cell phones and GPS navigation systems.

  • Never leave your vehicle running and unattended.

  • Always close windows all the way and lock the doors.

  • Park in well lit areas with pedestrian traffic. Park your vehicle facing the street. Anyone tampering with it is more likely to be seen.

Engrave your vehicle registration number on the stereo system, wheel rims, tools, etc. Don’t hide spare keys in your vehicle — they can be found. And never put your name or address on your house or car keys. If you have a garage, use it. Lock both the vehicle and garage. Consider installing anti-theft devices.

If your vehicle has been stolen or broken into… Report the theft to the police online or by calling 613-236-1222 ext 7300. The police will need a complete description of your vehicle. Keep the following information saved in a safe place:

  • Year

  • Make

  • Model

  • Colour

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

  • Plate number

  • Ignition key number

  • Insurance company

  • Policy number

  • Telephone

  • Any outstanding features, dents, scratches

  • Contents of the vehicle (e.g., stereo system)


Stay healthy everyone!



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