Jan 22, 20214 min

BECA Outdoor Rinks - Status Updates

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

*We will do our best to keep the status up to date. However, the signage at the rink will always override the online status. PLEASE stay off the ice if the signs are up.

21 JAN:

Both rinks are open! Please help out by grabbing a shovel (available at the rink) and scraping the ice when you are done skating.

20 JAN:



A huge thank you to our rink operators and volunteers, who, despite many, many challenges and setbacks (including some intentional damage to the ice), go out every day with smiles on their faces, flooding away!

18 JAN:

Our rink operators and volunteers have been working hard all weekend to clear the heavy dump of snow, rebuild the base, and flood, flood, flood. They anticipate that the boarded rinks will re-open on Wednesday. The puddle rink at Bradley Ridge will not open at this time due to the unexpected installation of a rink shack. (Please note that the rink shack will not be opening this season to due Provincial Regulations.)
Please stay off the ice, heed the signage.

13 JAN:

Both Patrick Dugas and Bradley Ridge rinks are CLOSED until further notice. The mild temperatures are not freezing the floods. Please stay off the ice. Skating will damage the ice and set back recovery, and will delay re-opening.

12 JAN:

Both Patrick Dugas and Bradley Ridge rinks currently CLOSED. The light flooding last night did not freeze under the fresh snow. Please stay off the ice. Skating will damage the ice and set back recovery, and will delay re-opening.

11 JAN:

Bradley Ridge boarded and puddle rinks currently CLOSED for ice repair. Unsafe conditions, please stay off the ice.

10 JAN:

Bradley Ridge boarded rink is now open.

Puddle rink still being worked on (closed). This is a much larger rink, needs a ton of flooding, still a few bumpy spots that have been marked with pylons so please be careful. The back southwest corner of the rink (in the photo, the pylon on the far left) has not frozen completely, please stay off this area and do not move the pylons. The ice is crystal clear, you can even see the grass and tire tracks through it (among other things )!

Remember: no hockey, wear a mask, be kind and have fun!


Patrick Dugas Rink is OPEN. Bradley Ridge Rink is CLOSED (possibly to open tomorrow, stay tuned). PLEASE remember to follow the rules, which are enforced by Bylaw (3-1-1):

Masks are mandatory within 15 metres (50 ft) distance of the edge of the ice surface.

Masks are not mandatory while skating but are highly recommended.

Skaters who are not from the same household must keep two metres apart on and off the ice.

No hockey sticks, pucks or other team sports are permitted on the ice and skaters must maintain a two-metre distance from people outside their household.

Passing the puck or shooting against the boards is no longer permitted.

PLEASE respect all of the hard work, late nights, early mornings, that our rink volunteers have put into building and maintaining these rinks for our community. Without these volunteers, there would be no rink to skate on.


With the overnight snowfall, the rink operators have been able to start building the base to begin flooding. In the meantime, PLEASE STAY OFF THE RINK to avoid further delays. THANK YOU!

Our rink masters are as anxious as you are to get started on the rinks. Flooding will begin when there is a sufficient snow base and several days of freezing temperatures. We will announce the season opening on our website and on our Facebook group (for BECA residents only). When the season finally gets started, please obey signage indicating when the rink is closed. The rink closes when the operators flood the ice, and when the temperatures are too low, causing damage to the ice. Damage to the ice will delay the re-opening, so please stay off when the rink is closed!

Please note that the City of Ottawa Seasonal Recreation team has provided the following information regarding the Province-wide shutdown, which is in effect until January 23, 2021.

Outdoor Rink Program and the Province-Wide Shutdown

(Le français suit l'anglais.)

On Monday December 21st, the Government of Ontario announced a province-wide shutdown effective Saturday, December 26th. Additional public health measures include the closure of all indoor and outdoor sports and recreational facilities with limited exceptions until Saturday, January 23, 2021.

We have reviewed the operational impacts of this announcement on recreation services and can confirm that the outdoor rink program is permitted to proceed within the shutdown regulations. Details are available at https://files.ontario.ca/moh-provincewide-shutdown-en-2020-12-22.pdf.

Although outdoor skating is permitted, there are restrictions and requirements that must be adhered to:

  1. Any person who enters or uses the [outdoor rink] maintains a physical distance of at least two metres from other persons using the [outdoor rink] (excluding members of the same household). Seasonal Recreation is in the process of updating signage for the rinks to ensure this information is prominently displayed for rink users.

  2. Team sports, or other sports or games where people may come within two metres of each other, are not practiced or played within the [outdoor rink].

    • This means that hockey and ringette are not permitted within the current restrictions. Goal nets will not be provided at rinks to support the implementation of this restriction.

Mise à jour sur la fermeture de la province - Patinoires extérieures

Le lundi 21 décembre, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a annoncé un confinement à l’échelle de la province à compter du samedi 26 décembre. Parmi les mesures de santé publique supplémentaires mises en place, mentionnons la fermeture de toutes les installations sportives et récréatives intérieures et extérieures, à quelques exceptions près, jusqu’au samedi 23 janvier 2021.

Nous avons examiné les répercussions opérationnelles de cette annonce sur les services de loisirs et pouvons confirmer que le programme des patinoires extérieures n’est pas touché par ces mesures. Pour en savoir plus, consultez https://files.ontario.ca/moh-provincewide-shutdown-fr....

Bien que le patinage extérieur soit autorisé, certaines restrictions et exigences doivent être respectées.

1. Toute personne présente sur la [patinoire extérieure] doit maintenir une distance physique d’au moins deux mètres par rapport aux autres personnes qui s’y trouvent (à l’exclusion des membres d’un même ménage).

2. Les sports d’équipe ou autres sports ou jeux où les gens peuvent s’approcher à moins de deux mètres les uns des autres ne peuvent être pratiqués sur la [patinoire extérieure].

o Cela signifie que le hockey et la ringuette ne sont pas autorisés en vertu des restrictions actuelles. Les filets ne seront pas installés sur les patinoires pour faciliter le respect de cette restriction.
